
$6.7 million

Through our college partners and donor scholarships, our mentees were awarded over $6.7 million in scholarship funds

204 seniors

204 seniors received a TeamMates National Office scholarship


31 of our TM+ mentees received additional scholarship funds from our national office this past year, totaling $31,000 

TeamMates Donor Scholarships

  • Jim and Sharri Baldonado New Generation Scholarship Fund
  • John and Terri Connell Scholarship
  • Mike Donaldson Memorial Scholarship
  • Steve Erwin Memorial Scholarship (2023)
  • Del S. Fischer Scholarship
  • Suzanne Hince Scholarship
  • Gigi Inness Scholarship
  • Lee and Angie Jacobsen Scholarship
  • Amira Johnson Scholarship
  • Jaci McKeever Scholarship
  • Bill and Linda Kosch Scholarship
  • Shann and Jaci McKeever Perseverance Plus Scholarship
  • Dr. Leva Janeen Memorial Scholarship
  • Tom Miller Scholarship
  • Suzanne Moormeier Memorial Scholarship (2022)
  • Gayle Norris Scholarship
  • Michele Northrop Memorial Scholarship
  • Tom and Nancy Osborne Opportunity Fund Scholarship
  • Al Papik Memorial Scholarship (2022)
  • Phi Kappa Theta Leadership in Lincoln Scholarship
  • Dan and Kelley Schaecher Scholarship
  • Gary Scharf Memorial Scholarship
  • John and Mary Schuele Osborne Opportunity Fund
  • Robin and Lynnette Stevens Hopes and Dreams Scholarship
  • Dr. and Mrs. Larry Stuckey Scholarship
  • Aksarben Foundation Scholarship

Apply for Scholarships

Click the red button below to access the scholarship application.  Click on the plus signs under the Resources section to view and download our resources.


Interested in contributing to the Scholarship Fund? 

Every child deserves an education.  Many times, the cost of higher education is a roadblock for so many of our mentees. Establishing a donor scholarship in your honor or of a loved one, will ensure the funds will go directly to one of our mentees pursuing a post-secondary education. Please complete the Pledge Form and we will then reach out to you on the specific criteria. 

Hear how a TeamMates scholarship is impacting one of our mentees.