Players’ Campaign Donation Progress
The Defense has raised:
toward their
Donor – In Honor Of (letterwinners in bold)
- Adams, DeMoine (RRE)
- Alberts, Trev (OLB)
- Anderson, Chris – Charlie McBride
- Bell, Kathryn — John Bell (MG)
- Bohl, Craig (DB) – Wyoming Expansion
- Bonness, Richard (C) – Tony Veland (S)
- Brown, Bob (OG)
- Clare, Tim & Amy
- Connealy, Terrence (DT) and Lisa Connealy Foundation
- Daugherty, Fred – Jay Foreman (LB)
- Engelbert, Pat (MG) and Jill – Bill Ziegelbein (C)
- Ferguson, Brad (LB) – Brian Harchelroad (FB)
- Gutzman, Dennis (DE) – Dave Mason (S)
- Kerns, Stephen – Kris A. Van Norman (S)
- Kroeker, John (P)
- Pesterfield, Jason (DT)
- Pillen Family Farms Milling
- Pullen, Jeff (MG)
- Quinlan, Trent – Tom Pate (DE)
- Sievers, Chad (LB) – Isaiah McShannon
- Stith, Carel (DT)
- Stuckey, Mr. and Mrs. Rob (DT)
- Van Norman, Kris (S)
- Walsh, Ursula – Russell Gary (S)
- Wilke, Michael and Lois
- Williams, Tyrone (CB)
The Offense has raised:
toward their
Donor – In Honor Of (letterwinners in bold)
- Anderson, Chris – Jake Young, Brook Berringer, Sam Foltz, Tom Osborne, Frank Solich, Scott Frost
- Anderson, Dan (OG) & Sue
- Anderson, Frosty (SE) and DeEtte
- Bobbora, Bill (OG)
- Bonness, Richard (C) – Tom Osborne, Sid Dinsdale, Steve Erwin
- Brown, Bob (OG)
- Carrier, Pam and James – Chris Anderson
- Cheloha, Kenneth – Cheloha Cornhusker Family
- Clare, Patrick (HB)
- DF Dillon Foundation
- Dufresne, Mark (TE)
- Dumler, Doug (C)
- Fiala, David (FB)
- Glaser, Doug (OT)
- Goeller, Dave (IB) & Cindy
- Green, Ronnie & Jane – Tom Osborne
- Hagar, Barbara – Tom Osborne
- Hassebrook, Evie
- Hegener, Stan (OG) & Pam – Tom Osborne
- Henderson, Brenda
- Johnson, Carl (OT)
- Loeffler, Chris – Jake Young (C)
- McMillen, John (QB)
- Newton, Bob (OG)
- O’Gara, Chris (OG)
- Remington, Dave (C)
- Snider, Robert – Jack R. Snider
- Sorley, Tom (QB)
- Treu, Adam (OT) and Tracy
- Wiegert, Zach (OT)
- Wilke, Michael and Lois
85th Birthday Challenge Total: $172,871.35
Thank you everyone for helping us meet our goal of $85,000 in honor of Coach Osborne’s 85th Birthday. And many thanks to Zach Wiegert and Goldenrod Co. LLC for matching our goal!
85th Birthday Challenge Donors
- Wiegert, Zach (OT)
- Adams, DeMoine (RRE)
- Alberts, Trev (OLB)
- Anderson, Dan (OG) & Sue
- Blackwood, Susan – Jake Young (C)
- Bobbora, Bill (OG) – Milt Tenopir
- Clare, Pat
- Clemente, Thomas
- Colleen and Scott Schmidt Foundation
- Cusik, Nick
- Dunlap, Matthew
- Fiala, David (FB)
- Fink Charitable Fund
- Gerdes, Michael
- Graff, Peter Mark
- Hackbart, Anne
- Heath, John
- Kerns, Stephen
- Martinez, Ted & Cherie and Janie Havranek
- Massengale, Martin
- McKinney, Wayne
- McWhirter, Steve
- Milligan, Cynthia & Robert
- Oxton, Jay & Marilyn
- Pillen, Clete
- Pillen, James
- Rose and Earl Berky Charitable Fund
- Schuele, Mary & John
- Sorley, Tom (QB)
- Spickelmier, Keith – Kris Van Norman (MON)
- Smith, Carson & Jane
- Urban, Tony
- Wilson, Danette
- Wilson Family Charitable Fund
- Woolsoncraft, James & Janet
- Diana and Dennis Walker Charitable Foundation
- Akin, Abby
- Alloy, David
- Anderson, Cici
- Anderson, Clayton
- Anderson, Frosty (WR) & DeEtte
- Anderson, Kent
- Anderson, Richard
- Anderson, Ron
- Anderson, Steve
- Anderson, Steve & BJ
- Andringa, Carol & Paul
- Arp, Bob
- Asmus, Barbara
- Auer, Ryan
- Babcock, Mike
- Ball, Christina
- Bantz, Jenny & Kaylee
- Baptiste, Kyra
- Barbara, Keating
- Barna, Nancy
- Barney, Rob
- Barrett, T Michael
- Bartek, Dan
- Bartels, Tammy
- Bartle, Robert & Barbara
- Bauer, Brad
- Bauer, Charles & Jane – Michele Northrop
- Becker, Jeremy – Allyson Horne
- Beckman, Joe
- Berger, Paul & Patricia
- Berguin, Robert
- Biba, Susan
- Biel, Laura
- Blair, David
- Blank, Debbie
- Boeckner, Gladys
- Boehle, Deb
- Bohenkamp, Adrienne
- Bolte, Mitchell
- Borland & Associates Inc.
- Boroff, Dan & Kathy
- Bovill, Kirk
- Boyd, Kimberly
- Brabec, Deb
- Bradford, Dani
- Bradford, Patricia
- Bradsky, Kirsten
- Brewer, Victoria – Chris Anderson
- Brinkman, Jennifer
- Brown, Ron
- Brown, Rosie
- Brunz, Wayne
- Bryant, Bill & Linda – Don & Pedie Bryant
- Buchta, Jackie
- Burch, Mark
- Buresh, Carmen
- Burgeson, Ellen
- Burkhead, Rex (IB)
- Burnell, Terri
- Burrow, Jimmy (DB)
- Buss, Susie
- Butler, Joni
- Caha, Gerald
- Cammick, Willa
- Carestensen, Karen
- Carlson, Margo
- Carson, Mark & Caren – Rex Burkhead (IB)
- Castan, Betty
- Cecil, Barton
- Christensen, Anne
- Christensen, Anne
- Clabaugh, Thomas & Mary
- Clark, Keegan
- Cloudt, Nicole
- Connie, Jarrett
- Cook, DM
- Cooksley, Barbara
- Cornell, Lola
- Cornstock, Heather
- Craig, Corey Martin
- Craig, Terri – Curtis Craig (WB)
- Cronk, Lynn
- Crouch, Eric (QB)
- Crowe, Cassie
- Cuca, Heidi
- Cusimano, Becki
- Daffer, Kara
- Dailey, Steve
- Dalton, Jon and Cindy – Frank Solich (FB)
- Dam, Alice & James
- Dashner, Sherrill
- Daumen, George
- Davis, Rick
- Dean, Geri
- Dempsey, Jerry – Emmett and Iona Dempsey
- DenHerder, Rick
- Denison, Janet & Scott
- Denton, Ashley
- Denton, Darin
- DeRuyscher, Chris
- Dettmer, Shirley
- Devaney, Mike
- Diaz, Mark (TE)
- Dinnel, Lee
- Dix, Tricia
- Dobry, Linda
- Dodson, Amy
- Doleman, Bill
- Dostal, Angela
- Douthit, Judy
- Downing, Scott
- Dream Like A Champion LLC
- Dresher, Traci
- Drvol, Carol
- Duda, Walter
- Duden, David
- Duff, Joni & Craig
- Dufresne, Mark (TE)
- Dutt, Lisa
- Ebel, Mary
- Ebert, Mara Lee & Fred
- ECreamery LLC
- Egger, Tiffany
- Eglseder, Michael
- Eitzmann, Scott & Connie
- Ekwall, Rex
- Elisworth, Bob & Jody
- Epley, Jane & Boyd
- Epp, Lamont
- Erstad, Darin & Jessica
- Erwin, Steve
- Eshleman, Joe
- Eskridge, Janet
- Eubanks, Gene
- Eubanks, Ruth
- Fahey, Brian – Patricia R. Callone
- Faust, Tricia
- Fisher, James
- Fisher, Tracy
- Fitzgerald, Bill
- Foreman, Jay (LB)
- Fossberg, Valorie & Roger
- Fraass, Tessa
- Frederickson, Betty
- Fritz, Nancy
- Froemming, Adam
- Furrow , Michael
- Gangahar, Deepak
- Garrelts, Wayne
- Gdowski, Tom (DT)
- Gerber, Terry
- Germer, John & Debra – Adam Julch (OT)
- Gillespie, Dave
- Glaser, Doug (OG)
- Glaser, Dustin
- Glaser, Tracey
- Glatte, David
- Gordon, Daniel
- Goscha, Sara
- Gottschalk, Barbara
- Gragert, Kevin
- Grasz, Lynne
- Graves, Jill
- Gray, Barbara
- Griffith, Barbara
- Griffith, Kathleen
- Gross, Rick
- Haase, Jeff
- Hamik, William
- Hanson, Kyle
- Hardin, Mirk
- Harned, Jacquelyn
- Harris, Greg
- Harris, Sharon
- Harvey, Jennifer – Fayth Jackson & Lauren Arnett
- Heavican, Brent
- Heiliger, James
- Heineman, Jake
- Heiser, Tom and Nancy (WB)
- Hennessey, Sean – Sam Foltz (P)
- Hermes, Margaret
- Herse, Mark
- Higgins, Myra
- Hill, Dan
- Hinkle, reggy & Todd
- Hobbs, Virginia
- Hodge, Nick
- Hohenstein, Jeff
- Horchem, Cindy
- Horne, Allyson
- Hoy, Mark
- Hug, Butch
- Hummel, Mark
- Huston, Jimmy & Diana
- Ilg, Michael
- Inness, Lilli
- Jackman, Bill
- Jacobs, Teresa
- Jakub, Grant
- James, Chip
- Janousek, Steve
- Jasa, Frank
- Jensen, Darlene
- Jensen, Judy & Wayne
- Jeorge, Brian
- John & Cynthia Kugler Charitable Fund
- John, Jarrett
- John, Tim
- Johnson, Patty
- Johnson, Sally
- Johnson, Vicki & Eric
- Jones, Giovanni
- Jones, Jack & Shirley
- Jones, M. Colleen
- Jones, Troy
- Joyce, Nicholas and JC
- Julch, Adam (OT)
- Jung, Bill
- Jurgens, Beth
- Karim, Zia
- Kautzman, Tim
- Kavich, Rick
- Keagy, Mayme – Anne Hackbart
- Keller, Jeanette
- Keller, Patrice
- Kelly, Kim
- Kentfield, Michele
- Kiene, Steve
- Klein, Jaci
- Klemme, Susan
- Klitz, Elizabeth
- Klucas, Rob
- Kluck, Tom
- Knispel, Judd
- Koehler, Kelly
- Kogel, Tonya
- Kopietz, Teresa
- Korver-Demma, Megan
- Krover-Demma, Megan
- Kruger, Mary Lyn
- Kruger, Steve & Judy
- Kruse, Janet
- Kudron , Bev – Troy Watchorn (FS)
- Kuhn, Pam
- Kunkle, Bob
- Kvols, Scott & Megan – Michele Northrop
- Lahr, Susan
- Lake, Jeff (SE)
- Lamb, Sara
- Lambert, Rachel
- Larson, Charles
- Leger, Daniel
- Lessmann, Judith & Stanford
- Lewis, Rodney (DB)
- Linderman, Jerome
- Lindquist, Jeff
- Linehan, Pam
- Lintz, James
- Livingston, Janet & Mike
- Long, Jake
- Longacre, Mark
- Love, Jami
- Lukasiewicz, Randy
- Lundin, Laura
- Luthans, Fred
- Macy, Susan
- Madsen, Kevin
- Manning, Carrie & Mark
- Mauch, Bev
- Maxwell, Mary
- McCoy, Mark
- McGuire, Jana
- McKeever, Jaci – DeMoine Adams (RRE)
- McKelvey, Steve & roberta
- Mcknight, Shamus
- McNair, Gail
- Mead, Rick
- Mecham, Marilyn
- Meints, Steve
- Meister, Donald
- Miles, John
- Miles, Paul
- Milhaven, McGraw
- Miller, Hannah
- Miller, Jane
- Miller, Joe
- Miller, John & Shelia
- Miller, Tom
- Milligan, Kelly
- Mossman, Stephen – Jake Young (C)
- Mouden, Gary – and Las Vegas for Nebraskans
- Munro, Shari
- Nannen, Bobbi
- Neal, Tara
- Neith, Beverly
- Nell, Steve
- Nelson, John
- Neuhaus, Leslie
- Newton, Bob (OT)
- Newton, Rob
- Nicholson, Pamela
- Niemeier, Mary
- Nissen, Bruce
- Norris, Gayle & Bill
- Northrop, John
- Northrop, John & Mary – Michele Northrop
- Nun, Kris
- Nye, Stephen
- O’Connor, Brandon – Nebraska Beating Wisconsin MBB
- Obal, Stacey
- Ortiz, John
- Ostergard, Doak & Ruthie
- Ostergard, Holly & Tonn
- Owens, Mark
- Parde, Conrad
- Parker, Jason
- Perdew, James
- Peter, Jason (DT)
- Peterson, Marilyn
- Pettit, Sherry
- Pfenning Jr., Glen
- Philippi, Jean
- Placek, Debra
- Pleasant, Dan
- Pogson, Dermot
- Pont, Jerry
- Porter, Budge
- Potter, David (LW)
- Price, Connie
- Price, Rob
- Primrose, John
- Ramsay, John & Vicki
- Rasmussen, Rob
- Reichmuth, Kevin
- Rice, Lora
- Rich, Ian
- Ritzman, Mitzi
- Roeber, Shawn
- Rogers, Richard & Diana
- Rosenthal, Robert – Nebraska Beating Wisconsin MBB
- Roti, Janel & Dave
- Saksa, Laura – Jake Young (C)
- Sanders, Susan
- Schaben, Sally
- Schaecher, Daniel
- Scheef, Benjamin
- Scherschligt, Robert
- Schieicher, Steven
- Schindler, Robert
- Schmidt, Steve
- Schnegelberger, Niki
- Schroeder, Debbi
- Schwieger, Rick
- Shafer, Charles
- Sharp, Sharon
- Sheets, Steve
- Shimerda, Cindy
- Shively, Robert
- Sholtz, Kayla
- Shown, Judy
- Sievers, Amy
- Silva, Tracy
- Simmons, Ricky (SE)
- Sinclair, Stella
- Skolout, Terri
- Sledge, Bob (OT)
- Smeal, Janice
- Smith, Laurie
- Smith, Michael
- Smith, Robert
- Smith, Rodney (SE)
- Smith, Tom & Lisa
- Solich, Frank (HB) & Pam
- Solich, Jeff & Chara
- Somer, Regina
- Sorensen, Shelley
- Sorenson, Judy
- Sparks, Larry
- Stai, Brenden (OL)
- Steidley, Debra
- Stephens, Michael
- Stith, Carel (DT) & Hellums, Bonnie
- Stonacek, Stormy
- Strand, Chuck
- Strange, Wade
- Stuckey, Jan
- Stych, Jim & Linda
- Sundberg, Linda
- Sweeney, Robert & Libby
- Switzer, Barry
- Teague, Rich and Karen
- Tenopir, Terri – Milt Tenopir
- Terwey, Dolores
- Tessin, Gerald
- Thomas, Doug
- Thomassen, Carol
- Thompson, Josie
- Thompson, Myla
- Thompson, Taylor
- Thurber, John
- Toline, Tyler (DE)
- Trickle, Jerry
- Truhlsen, William
- Tyner Sutton, Emily
- Underdahl, Kimbra – Ricky Simmons (WR)
- Vankat, Amy
- Veland, Tony (FS)
- Volker, Paul – Nebraska Beating Wisconsin MBB
- Volkmer, Elizabeth
- W.J. Poehling Trust
- Wadhams, Chris
- Walton, Stacie
- Wanek, Jim (OG)
- Washington, William (TE)
- Weaver, Mark & Judy
- Wellensiek, Gordon
- Wesley, Darin
- West, Kenneth P.
- White, Jana
- Whitesell, Kurt
- Wiater, Linda
- Widman, Larry
- Wilke, Bob & Ann
- Williams, Bill & Evonne – Patriotic Productions
- Williams, Candace
- Willis, Steven
- Wilsey, James
- Wilson, Danette
- Wright, Jay
- Yahnke , Scott
- Yates, Valerie
- Young, Wilson – Jake Young (C)
- Zadalis, Jacob
- Zadina, Dick
- Zimmerman, Kevin
- Zoucha , Jason
- Zuerlein, Joyce & George
- Zuhlke, Elizabeth
30th Anniversary TeamMates Players’ Campaign Committee
Doug Glaser
Offensive Tackle
Zach Wiegert
Offensive Tackle
Dan Anderson
Offensive Guard
Frosty Anderson
Split End
Shane Geiken
Dave Morock
Jim Pillen
Defensive Back
Tom Sorley
Kris Van Norman
Tony Veland

Offensive Tackle
1987 89

Offensive Tackle
1991 94
Thirty years ago, Coach Osborne asked our 1991 Football team to consider mentoring a youth one hour each week. Thirty years later, the TeamMates Mentoring Program has grown and currently serves about 180 chapters with 10,000 matches in a five-state region.
In honor of TeamMates’ 30th Anniversary, we invite you to join the Players’ Campaign to sustain the TeamMates Mentoring Program for the next three decades. We are serving as Co-Captains of the Players’ Campaign because we are passionate about Coach Osborne and his legacy and are passionate about the benefits of the TeamMates Mentoring Program.
Coach Osborne and his wife Nancy have given all of us so much throughout the years, now it’s your turn to give back. So, suit up. It’s Offense vs. Defense! The Offense has committed to raising $2M for the Players’ Challenge. If we hit our goals, we are confident that others in the community will step up to match our efforts. So get ready Blackshirts!
Think about what Coach means to you, consider your options, then run the play: make a pledge; donate a one-time gift; commit to becoming a mentor; or ask others to assist. But please consider doing whatever you can, before Coach’s birthday in February. Give back to your Coach who gave you so much.
We are N! Are you?

Offensive Guard 1971 73
“Coach Osborne gave me my first job after playing for him and getting my undergraduate degree. I was a graduate assistant coach of the freshman team. He had the confidence in me to add me to the freshman staff. Sitting in the varsity coaches’ meetings, I learned the attention to detail one needs to have and how important time management is to be successful in any profession. I also learned the amount of patience one needs to have when things are not going quite as you want, Coach never seemed to get rattled. I can’t imagine the satisfaction Coach has had from mentoring so many and making mentoring available to so many. We must work to keep this organization on track for years to come.”

Split End 1971 73
“The example set by Coach Osborne leaves a lasting impact on all. Commitment, detail, and focus will win a lot of games—especially in the game of life. The stakes are as high as they have ever been. Find your way to help—financially, or through the gift of time in the program. The feeling you get from influencing someone to be better, be at the top of their game has a reward all its own. That is what TeamMates mentoring can do.”

Linebacker 1989 91
“I support TeamMates because every student needs a caring adult, who doesn’t judge or try to fix them. A mentor provides unconditional support and attention and just listens and lets the student forget about whatever stresses they may be experiencing.”

Safety 1968 70
“I was on the defensive side, so I didn’t play directly under Coach, but it wasn’t hard to see his tremendous dedication not only to the game but to the players. One thing I did notice is that he expected accountability from his players. He would accept nothing less. That stayed with me all my life. These are the same things he carried over to his Mentoring Program. He believes that there is no such thing as a bad child. Just bad situations. Mentors can change a child’s life.”

Defensive Back 1976 78
“Because of the worldwide pandemic, our world changed dramatically in 2020. Our youth need all of us more than we can comprehend. It takes a village to raise children more today than ever. Giving back by being a TeamMates mentor, developing a relationship with a young person is no better way to be a gift that keeps on giving.”

Quarterback 1976 78
“When the youth of our country are provided a positive environment, they soon see their potential to dream and the confidence that they can make a difference and it all starts with ‘someone cares for me.’ The TeamMates program has demonstrated results that providing a positive alternative for young people allows them to see themselves differently, freedom to reach their full potential and the inspiration to share and become a mentor for others.”

Safety 1980 82
“Effective mentoring can make a significant difference in the youth of our cities, your state, and country. Having a positive adult role model in a young persons’ life can inspire hope and purpose, and significantly improve many character and behavior traits of each mentee. I believe that the most important investment a person can make is an investment in the life of a young person today.”

Safety 1992 95
“There were a few individuals who I admired and who I watched and listened to and who had a great impact in my life, including coach Lonnie Tapp and Coach Osborne. They made it easy to connect to them and to trust them because they showed they cared as much about the person as the football team. Being a mentor and using your experiences to help someone else and instill something into the life of a kid—is a feeling that is worth its weight in gold.”
Have questions? Please contact Chris Anderson @ 402-540-0276 or at For more information and to be aware of future TeamMates and Players’ Campaign events, please join our team now at Look for an invite from Chris to join Coach Osborne’s Gridiron TeamMates private Facebook group.